Ms. Paula Boley, Title 1/Reading Recovery


 Reading Recovery is a research -based, short -term, reading intervention of one-on-one instruction.  Reading Recovery students receive 30-minute lessons each school day for 12 to 20 weeks from a specially trained teacher.
     Each lesson consists of: re-reading familiar stories, reading a story that was read for the first time the day before, working with letters and words using magnetic letters, writing a story, assembling a cut-up story, and reading a new book. The teacher teaches, demonstrates problem-solving strategies, and provides just enough support to help the child develop effective reading and writing strategies and work as independently as possible.
     Each lesson incorporates the five components identified by the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act as essential in a comprehensive instructional program in reading. The five components are: phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, fluency instruction, vocabulary instruction, and text comprehension instruction.
     Accelerated learning is possible because Reading Recovery teachers base their instruction on carefully documented daily observations of what each child already knows about reading and writing. This is an efficient approach that allows all future instruction to work from the child's strengths.