Ridgemont Music and Band

Ridgemont Band 

9-Week Grading System


25% - Written and Playing Tests

25% - Practice Charts

25% - Rehearsal Etiquette

25% - 9-Week Exam



Written tests will be given periodically and based on musical concepts covered in class.
Individual playing tests will be given weekly.  Testing material will be announced at least two school days in advance.

Practice Charts  

In order for students to reach their maximum potential as musicians, they must practice on a consistent daily schedule.  Students must take their instruments home everyday in order to practice.  Practicing is the equivalent to homework in other classes.  Students will be required to practice a minimum of one hour per week to receive a passing grade.  Practice charts will be kept by each student and turned in weekly.  Parents will need to sign each week’s chart for their student to receive a grade.  The following scale has been established to determine practice chart grades.  

120 minutes per week – 100%
100 minutes per week – 90%
80 minutes per week – 80%
60 minutes per week – 70%
40 minutes per week – 60%
Below 40 minutes – 0%

Rehearsal Etiquette Grade  

The following list describes proper rehearsal etiquette by each band student.  Each of these elements is required to receive full credit for this portion of their grade.  For each infraction, ten points will be deducted from the rehearsal etiquette grade.  

1.     Bring all materials to class.  These include: instrument, folder with all music and method book, and a pencil (no pens).
2.     Positive Attitude.  The greatest single factor that will determine the success of any individual or organization is attitude.  The “right attitude” includes sincerity, concentration, discipline, and dedication.  Such an attitude is the difference between a great band and one that is just o.k.
3.     Attentiveness.  This includes listening to your director and not disrupting class by talking or playing without permission.
4.     Be on time for each class time and performance.

9-Week Exams  

Each 9 week exam will consist of the following:
-         Written Information
-         Rhythm Reading
-        Scales
-         Scheduled Band Performances* 

* The main purpose of the band program is to teach students many life-long traits such as self-discipline though the study of music and its performance.  Students will also learn teamwork by rehearsing and performing as an ensemble.  This team, like any other, must have 100% dedication and attendance to succeed.  Therefore, it is necessary for all members to be present at each performance.  Each student who misses a performance without a director-approved excuse will not earn this portion of their nine week grade.  The attire for each performance, unless otherwise announced, will be dress clothes.  The concert attire must follow the Obion County Board of Education’s dress code.

General Calendar

August          - (10th) Instrument Rental Meeting - 3:30-6:00 @ OCCHS Bandroom


October         - First 9-Week Exam 
                    - 8th Grade Night at OCCHS
                    - (11th - 15th) Fall Break

ber     - (22nd) Junior High Quad-State Honor Band 
                    - (24th - 26th) Thanksgiving Break

cember     - Christmas Program / Concert
                    - Second 9-Week Exam

uary        - (8th) All-West Tennessee Band Auditions 

February      - (3rd – 5th) All-West Tennessee Band Clinic
                   - Junior High UTM Honor Band

March           - Third 9-Week Exam
                    - (14th – 18th) Spring Break

April             - Solo and Ensemble Festival (7th & 8th)

May              - Last 9-Week Exam
                    - Spring Program / Concert
                               - Practice Chart Reward Trip